
It may not be me you’re looking for, but here we are none the less.

I guess it’s time to introduce myself, who I am, my hopes for this site and what not, so:


Hello. My Name is:

Megan, a disorganized creative, who has a hard time narrowing her interests down to just one thing. In terms of crafts, I have been writing my whole life, but recently it has not been very frequent. I am determined to finally change that with this blog.

I’ve been knitting and crocheting now for (yikes!) almost 20 years. I started before it became trendy. I started as a quiet, nerdy high school kid, who spent a lonely summer working shift work and not going out as much as she wanted. Ambition has never been my issue, but sticking to one thing (even one project) is. For the first several years, I would only work up afghans, but that quickly changed into making toys, but I digress.

This blog will not just be about crochet, knitting, yarn or even sewing (I warned you I tend to pick up everything at least once), but instead my ramblings as life goes on.

I don’t know if I will have readers yet, but if you are out there comment below and let me know what you would like to know – how I can help etc. Tell me your story, your craft, what you are working on now!


